Tongue-type fractures
Fractures with a large connected fragment of the tuber and the joint part. Reduction technique after Westhues

Case PM, female, 85 y, Tongue-type, surgery one day after trauma
Case AY, male , tongue-type, Reduction after Westhues and tappet from plantar
Case BS, male 27 y, tongue-type, reduction in the way of Westhues
Case KA, male 17 y, tongue-type both sides, Reduction in the way of Westhues
Case TE, male 17 y, tongue-type, Reduction in the way of Westhues and distraction, 4 weeks old
Case SF, male 42 y, tongue-type, Reduction in combination of extension and Westhues
Case SH, male, tongue-type A, broken and tilted medial wall
Case TTJ, male, tongue-type A, easy but nice case, new headless screws